Tuesday, 17 November 2015

Brothers and Friends

We're blessed that these boys are both! Look at those smiles! This pic was taken on our way back to Halifax after a wonderful trip to see our Nova Scotia family. 

Tuesday, 6 October 2015

Wednesday, 16 September 2015

Just Helpin' My Dad

Jesse and Mama were reading this book this past weekend while I was away photographing a wedding and all on his own decided to come up with a funny way to say the title

Friday, 4 September 2015

Once Upon A Time....

Jesse was telling us a story before bed last night. You'll hear him invite T-bird to the party part way through. His storytelling abilities are really coming along quite nicely.

Tuesday, 4 August 2015

Wedding Dances

Oli, Mama, and Jess dancing to the music while Megan & Adam sailed into the Yacht Club for the reception, click for a bigger view

Monday, 3 August 2015

Happy Birthday Janny

Only mental after reuniting in the airport the boys and their amazing aunt were off on adventures. There wasn't a single second of adjustment time needed love you to the moon......and back

Friday, 17 July 2015

Downtown Dashers

Jessse and Oliver ran in the Downtown Dash here in Corner Brook last night.  They did great!  Oli took off like a shot and was very fast.  He was waiting to congratulate Jess upon his arrival at the finish gantry.

Thursday, 16 July 2015


We headed out for our fist family outing in our new Camper trailer.  The boys absolutely loved it and can't wait to go again!

Saturday, 4 July 2015

Tunnel of Love

These boys sure love each other!  Here's a big hug in the tunnel under the road at Margret Bowater Park.

Monday, 15 June 2015

Singing in the rain...

...ok not singing but playing.  Jesse loved getting out in the warm rain on the weekend.  He loved the stream of rain that ran off the awning!

Monday, 8 June 2015


Here's Jesse helping Dada fix a cupboard door, we moved on to a towel rack, and then the ottoman.  His dexterity is impressive.

Tuesday, 2 June 2015

Vist with Nany and Gramps

The boys had an hour and a half call with my folks.  It was lovely to catch up, however we'll be much happier to have a nice long visit in a few weeks!

Tuesday, 7 April 2015


Jesse has been very interested in his letters, he's been playing with them on the fridge a lot, singing his ABC song all the way through by himself and now starting to write them as well.  Here's an update from Joan this morning via email...

On April 07, 2015, Jesse made the letter H all by himself, not looking at a model and he did it on demand later. The letter O is no longer the only letter Jesse can make.

Here's Jess and Oli 'helping' Mama making a chocolate log for Papa's birthday.

Friday, 27 March 2015


Jesse having more fun with the container than the Lego it contained.

Monday, 16 March 2015

Friday, 13 March 2015

Jesse last night...

...Suzanne recounted Jesse's bedtime antics last night and I asked her to write it up so I could post it here...
Last night after I read Jesse his book and was about to start singing his song, Jesse started a conversation that went like this:
My brudder is Ol-i-ver.
My man is Dada.
My girl is Mama.
My woo-man is Nana.
My grand-fadder is Papa.
My udder woo-man is Auntie.
My buurd is t-f-wiggy.
My buurd is t-f-wiggy.
MY buurd is t-f-wiggy.

Tuesday, 10 March 2015

The Star of the Day

Guest post by Joan today, here's her account of the adventure she took Jesse on this morning.

Today was Jesse's first day attending Tot's Reading at the Public Library. As soon as we went in, Jesse made himself right at home. He immediately went over to a little table, hauled a chair out for himself and began colouring. When I told him it was story time, he proceeded to the room all on his own. The teacher asked the tots to sit on a blanket and Jesse promptly obliged her, again all on his own. The three other tots were sitting with their moms but our Jessebear was totally independent. He took part in everything: sang the opening and closing songs and did all the actions, listened to the three stories, waited his turn to open the flaps on the books, answered questions, and made all the appropriate animal sounds. When it was time to do colouring, he marched up to the table and got right down to business. At the end of the session, he thanked the teacher and said good bye.

Then he chose three more books in the main part of the children's section and sat up with me while I read them. One of the books was the story of Pocahantas and he enjoyed every word. I think the librarian was impressed with our Jesse because she asked me to check with his parents to see if they would be interested in having both Jesse and Oliver participate in an early childhood literacy initiative. From what I observed today, I think it is reasonable to say that two year old Jesse could fit in well with any  kindergarten class. Precious!

Here's the star himself a few weeks ago 'washing' dishes, it's unrelated but what's a post without this face!

Monday, 9 March 2015

Thursday, 5 March 2015

Hair Cut

Jess going to Jackie again for a little trim a while back...notice the drool from his concentration!

Monday, 9 February 2015

Tree skirts...

...the boys got a hold of the tree skirts from our decorations boxes while cleaning up from Christmas and had some dress up fun

Thursday, 22 January 2015

Happy Birhtday Girls!

We hosted the MacArthurs for a combined birthday supper for Addison and Kimmie...and of course chocolate cupcakes

Tuesday, 20 January 2015

Thursday, 15 January 2015