Sunday, 27 November 2016


We knew Jesse has been recognizing words but were quite surprised at his level of reading already!  The other bookworm makes an appearance in the second video too....he read that entire comic book.  Running around being a strongman can only hold one's attention so long.


  1. I am not one bit surprised but totally impressed with Jesse's reading skills. I remember him identifying words in his story books when he was still in his sleep sack. Oh the teachers in kindergarten will have to challenge him when the other children are learning how to sound out letters. How sweet it is to see Oliver on the end of the sofa reading a comic. Those boys are bright and beautiful.

  2. Well done, Jesse. You are well on your way.

  3. Way to go Jesse. You make Poppa proud.

  4. Yes Joan, I remember both boys reading words while still in the sleep sack. Wonderful to see them reading at such a young age.

  5. We could have two gifted children here!
